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David Demeter is a freelance photographer / videographer and editor based in Budapest and London. 
He went to London to work as a photo assistant, and videographer under a well experienced photographer @neverordinaryview directions, preferably in high-end commercial. They’ve worked for some of the biggest clients in the European field.
At the same time he works on his own projects, specialising in indie portraiture and conceptual photo essays. Working and traveling all over the world has had a quite big influence on his work. He has a MA degree from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and also works with fine-art galleries and open to do more collaboration on this field.
Please send a request for his pdf portfolio.
Davinci Resolve Studio 17
Full Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription
Macbook Pro (16-inch, 2020) 2,3 Ghz 8-core Intel Core i9
LaCie Rugged Storage
*** prefer to use BRAW footage and shoot with Blackmagic Design products.
locked and loaded Olympus [mju:]-II with PORTA 400
Thank you!
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